Gender statistics
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Women's economic empowerment
Employed persons aged 15 years and over, by age, economic sectors and sex, 2019-2023 (Updated: 9/20/2024, Size: 6 Kb)
REVISED DATA: Employed persons aged 15 years and over, by age, economic sectors and sex, 2014-2018 (Updated: 9/24/2020, Size: 5 Kb)
Employed persons aged 15 years and over, by age, economic sectors and sex, 2008-2018 (Updated: 9/20/2024, Size: 9 Kb)
Employment rate of persons aged 25-49 years with or without children aged 0-6 years, by area and sex, 2019-2023 (Updated: 9/20/2024, Size: 6 Kb)
REVISED DATA: Employment rate of persons aged 25-49 years, by area, number of children aged 0-6 years and sex, 2014-2018 (Updated: 9/24/2020, Size: 5 Kb)
Employment rate of persons aged 25-49 years, by area, number of children aged 0-6 years and sex, 2008-2018 (Updated: 3/31/2022, Size: 8 Kb)
Structure of employed population by economic sectors, 2019-2023 (Updated: 9/20/2024, Size: 4 Kb)
REVISED DATA: Structure of employed population by economic sectors, 2014-2018 (Updated: 3/31/2022, Size: 3 Kb)
Structure of employed population by economic sectors, 2008-2018 (Updated: 3/26/2019, Size: 4 Kb)
Structure of employed population by status in employment and by sex, 2019-2023 (Updated: 9/20/2024, Size: 4 Kb)
REVISED DATA: Structure of employed population by status in employment and by sex, 2014-2018 (Updated: 9/24/2020, Size: 4 Kb)
Structure of employed population by status in employment and by sex, 2000-2018 (Updated: 3/26/2019, Size: 7 Kb)
Share of part-time workers by sex, age and marital status, 2019-2023 (Updated: 9/20/2024, Size: 9 Kb)
REVISED DATA: Share of part-time workers by sex, age and marital status, 2014-2018 (Updated: 3/31/2022, Size: 9 Kb)
Share of part-time workers by sex, age and marital status, 2008-2017 (Updated: 3/31/2022, Size: 11 Kb)
REVISED DATA: Share of informaly employed persons in the non-agricultural sector by age group and sex, 2019-2023 (Updated: 9/20/2024, Size: 5 Kb)
REVISED DATA: Share of informaly employed persons in the non-agricultural sector by age group and sex, 2014-2018 (Updated: 3/31/2022, Size: 4 Kb)
Share of informaly employed persons in the non-agricultural sector by age group and sex, 2008-2018 (Updated: 3/31/2022, Size: 5 Kb)
Inactivity rate of persons aged 15 years and over, main reason for not working, by age group and sex, 2019-2023 (Updated: 9/20/2024, Size: 38 Kb)
REVISED DATA: Inactivity rate of persons aged 15 years and over, main reason for not working, by age group and sex, 2014-2018 (Updated: 3/31/2022, Size: 37 Kb)
Inactivity rate of persons aged 15 years and over, main reason for not working, by age group and sex, 2008-2018 (Updated: 3/31/2022, Size: 80 Kb)
ILO unemployment rate, by age groups and sex, 2019-2023 (Updated: 9/20/2024, Size: 4 Kb)
REVISED DATA: ILO unemployment rate, by age groups and sex, 2014-2018 (Updated: 3/31/2022, Size: 4 Kb)
ILO unemployment rate, by age groups and sex, 2008-2018 (Updated: 3/31/2022, Size: 4 Kb)
Time use indicators for population aged 15 years and over, by sex and age group, 2012 (Updated: 3/26/2019, Size: 13 Kb)
Gender pay gap by economic activities, 2013-2023 (Updated: 11/27/2024, Size: 9 Kb)
Gender pay gap by economic activities, 2011-2012 (Updated: 3/29/2022, Size: 4 Kb)
Number of children in early education institutions, by age groups and sex, 2008-2022 (Updated: 9/9/2024, Size: 4 Kb)
Education and training of women during lifetime
The participation of women in decision-making process
Women's health